About Python, Custom Software & Community

July 8, 2024, by Anna Lisa Di Vincenzo




20tab's story starts with Python and great community participation: after more than 12 years, it continues in the same direction, between custom software and conferences.

Our commitment to the open source community

We have always been active in the main open source communities, participating in conferences and technology events as sponsors and speakers.


🟣 Right now our CTO, Paolo Melchiorre, is in Prague for EuroPython 2024.

In his talk, Many ways to be a Python contributor, he will share his experience of contributing to the Python project and give some useful advice for those who want to get started and for those who want to get other people involved in the project.

As professionals and as 20tab, being an active part of the community and sharing our knowledge is a fundamental part of our daily commitment. After all, we were born Pythonists and we love opportunities for growth and innovation. At these events and in our daily work.

Custom software + UX = product

It is a group of experienced and passionate developers of the Python language that gave birth to 20tab, which carries in its name and DNA the link with code. As we grew in experience and professionalism, we discovered how important it is to write code and do so with a clear goal that embraces the client's business without leaving the user's needs behind.

That's how user experience becomes central to how we work and develop, and that's how the product vision becomes our signature.

Today, we build custom software that puts the user first and follows the client's business goals, using Python together with the most innovative technologies best suited for each project.
From a product perspective.

​Python Expertise

High quality code remains central for us: all our products are developed in Python and Django, with the addition of other languages and technologies that allow us to build the best solution for our clients.

  • Python and maps: we specialize in the development of in-house platforms and projects involving geospatial data and interactive maps using GeoDjango, PostGIS, QGIS, Open Street Map. Examples are the products developed for Mer et Demeures, Elk Range Royalties, ETS.
  • Semantic search: we have developed a platform that can take full advantage of AI, together with Python, to integrate semantic search into the university environment.
  • Data Visualization: Many of the projects we have managed allow complex data to be visualized in a clear and consumable way at different levels. GSSI's portals and earthquake simulator are examples.
  • Django and UX: Over the past year, we have also been working with the Django Software Foundation to improve the user experience of the Django website.

Our team consists of more than 30 developers, designers, product managers, and marketing specialists: we work as a true product team in partnership with the client, pursuing the same goals and bringing what we do best.

If you have a project that involves Python, innovation, and taking care of users, we should have a talk about it.

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